Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Saga Continues...

So the spitting up (throwing up) is still continuing. I hold hope that one day she will grow out of it. Originally, they told us by four months it will reach it's peak at the worst then it will get better. hasn't. Three nights ago it started coming out of her nose again. Two nights ago was probably the worst episode we have experienced in a long time. This was no spit was full blown throwing up with the choking and can't breathe look. My husband and I both jumped up patting her back, lifting her arms and then I just turned her upside down and starting pounding her back. Seriously, I thought I was going to pound so hard and break a rib.

Geez, I don't know who was more scared...her or me. My heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest. As she is choking she is trying to cry and breathe all at the same time. It was a combination of everything and to top it off, she was having a running nose that day so I am sure it was dripping in the back of her throat. My husband insists it has gotten worse. I don't necessary think it has even though this night could prove me wrong. It doesn't happen like this every night. Last night...thankfully, it was uneventful. She finished her bottle and three minutes later she was out.

Going to the doctor and telling him these episodes just doesn't help. They insist on putting her on Reglan...which if anyone has heard of that'd run far, far, far from it. I did and I don't think I would ever consider putting her on it. Then there is another drug that carries similar symptoms as Reglan just not as harsh. The doc even suggested a surgical procedure in which they inject Botox into somewhere in the digestive track. Botox??? Really? No medicine. I am really determined to have her get through this mess with nothing in addition to the medicine she takes for the acid relief. I am happy she has this because at least when she does spit up, it doesn't burn while coming up.

Oh...and she has this mystery rash that has now spread to one of her legs. I have no idea what is causing this. No changes to her food, laundry soap, lotion or bath soap. I have cut all her food back to a few puffs for snacks, bananas, pears, sweet potatoes and peas all of which she has been getting for over 3 months now. Hopefully, this too will go away and fast!


  1. I found your blog while looking for reglan information. Anyhow, Reglan has been linked to tardive dyskinesia ... "FDA Requires Boxed Warning and Risk Mitigation Strategy for Metoclopramide-Containing Drugs Agency warns against chronic use of these products to treat gastrointestinal disorders" ... its all risk vs. reward here. Be sure that Reglan use is not long-term (lasting for more than 3 months). Also, law firms are filing reglan induced tardive dyskinesia lawsuits. One such firm is Schmidt & Clark, LLP ... their website includes a video about reglan from the FDA.

    The rash ... that could be anything but you should be aware of Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS) ... here is a link to information regarding this horrific disease:

    Hope this all helps.

  2. WOW...the SJS stuff is scary. No...rash is not that bad. I think it is due to sensitive skin or possibly a food allergy.


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