Thursday, October 8, 2009

Eating Out

I can see the future...eating out is going to be difficult with a baby. We went to Sweet Tomatoes last night and I was happy because I knew they would have melon and she loves to suck on a few pieces of melon. I thought...perfect...she will be good the whole time just sucking on her fruit. Well again...she has made me out to be a liar. She certainly was not good but not terrible. It's hard to eat and enjoy your meal when every two seconds she is moving, trying to grab everything in sight, screaming...and the list goes on.

Screaming, yes...this too. It is more like a high pitch, ear ringing squeal. In the middle of a restaurant, it sounds worse. At home, it is no big deal if she ruins my ear drums, but at a restaurant, it is embarrassing. Then, if things couldn't be worse, she threw up a ton! And, it was orange which was just great since she was wearing a light green shirt and cream colored pants with hearts. Great....I love the orange stain!

She was being pretty fussy on the way home, and we thought it was going to be hard to hold her off until her bath time. Again...liar. She was great when we got home. She was crawling, playing with her toys, and blabbing up a storm. After her bath, we fed her the nighttime bottle with no problems at all!

Whew...another successful, sort-of puke-free day.

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