Monday, October 12, 2009


We went to our first Gymboree Play and Learn class. And it was just as I expected...awesome. Addison loves to be around other kids and I wish I knew more people with babies. She has a cousin who is 4 weeks younger than her, but we rarely get to see them. Gymboree was exactly what I was looking for.

The class was on Saturday right in the middle of her morning nap. Fortunately, we were able to work around this and gave her a nap a little earlier. When we got there, her eyes lit up. Gymboree is good about having lots of colors and shapes scattered everywhere in their play space. There was a total of 7 babies all aged 6-10 months old. All seemed to be right around the same age (7-8 months). The class includes songs, dance, interaction (between parents and babies), and some kind of activity. This week was working with the foam shapes. Addison had a blast (sometimes I think I liked it more than her). I was just excited to see her interact with the other kids. She became quite vocal too - babies were "talking" back and forth and it was so adorable. She is also doing this high pitch squeal more frequently and she made sure to impress the others with her vocal abilities.

Before the instructor brought over the information, I knew immediately I was going to matter how much it cost. And I from now on, we will be at Gymboree at 11 AM on Saturdays. I highly recommend parents to get their child into a class like this. I wish I would have started her when she was 6 weeks old. Better late then never I guess...

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