Thursday, October 15, 2009

Eight Months Already

Geez time is flying. My baby is eight months already! I can't believe it. Everyday she is doing something cutier. It is getting hard for me to see her growing up so fast. Before I know it, she is going to be a year old. I have to say it feels like it is getting harder and harder for me to think of my baby as growing up. I have always dreamed about being pregnant, having a baby, and watching them grow up. But it is going by too fast. I really do struggle with it because I have wanted this for so long and now the time just seems to be escaping from me. It makes me sad :(

On a happier note, my kid is just fantastic. I know most parents probably think this...but my child is really smart. At eight months, she can do a lot more than most kids her age (I am assuming - from my readings). I faithfully read the "What to Expect When You Are Expecting - the First Year." From this book, everything that she is supposed to be doing and beyond she has mastered. I am very impressed by her abilities to pull herself up on furniture and she is even starting the cruising along the couch. I have seen her take a few steps on the couch and coffee table. Before I know it...she will be walking.

I had to include a picture of my baby girl on her 8 month birthday too. For some reason, I could not, for the life of me, get a picture of her smiling. About 5 minutes before this she was all smiles. Got the camera out and this is all I got. She is still cute anyway!

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