Friday, October 2, 2009

Growing Up Too Fast...

She is...and I can't help it. Her new thing is climbing and standing up in her bed. First the standing up in bed...we had to move her mattress down two slots which I thought would be enough. I thought it would stop her from climbing up to stand in her bed. Nope...she still does it...and with ease. I watched her stand up yesterday and she did it with absolutely no problem. I couldn't believe it. Right now, where the mattress is positioned, she isn't tall enough to flip out of her crib. So, we are going to leave it there for awhile. She is pretty petite for a little girl, and as long as she doesn't have a major growth spurt, we will be okay.

Climbing is also her new thing. Just the other day, she climbed up her bouncer and was trying to get on a box next to the bouncer. I honestly have no idea how she got so far and so fast! She is also trying to climb on the couch to stand and climbs up to stand on her new favorite toy. The only thing that sucks is when she climbs on the toy, she doesn't know what do do from there. She either stands there crying for help, or falls down crying even more. Also, the toy isn't the sturdiest toy we own, which probably is because it isn't made to be climbed on.
This is just the first step to walking. She just needs to work on her balance. If you give her the balance that she needs, she will walk. She has the footwork already down. Geez...she is going to be walking before I know it....tear! I miss my little ity bity baby who didn't move when you set her down. She is fast now. I literally saw her next to me, look away for no more than 4 seconds, looked back, and she was gone! Instantly...gone! Now that's just crawling....what am I going to do when she starts walking???

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