Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Small, Medium, Large - Not Anymore

I have a cousin had a little boy named Jackson about 6 weeks before Addison. Then, I have another cousin who's wife had a baby 4.5 weeks after Addison. The first time we got together, we of course had to get pictures. After the first round, everyone referred to the photo as "Small, Medium, Large." (Addison is in the middle)A few weeks ago, we got the kids back together again and had to retake the pictures. We haven't taken another picture for about 6.5 months. We set them up the exact same way...however, it really can't be called "Small, Medium, Large" anymore.

Caylynn, who is the youngest, is the same (maybe more) size as the oldest, Jackson. Addison is the littlest now. The pictures are great to capture; however, there should have been someone filming the adults. I swear, we were saying the stupidest things and making the weirdest noises to get everyone to look at the camera. I think (between three cameras), we took about 40 pictures to get the best one.

Her Hair

It is getting longer. I had the idea to put it in a ponytail. So glad I did because it is so cute!

I thought about cutting it but I don't think I want to be reminded of what happened last time...

It was truly scary. I felt so bad...and to top it off - I had to listen to people say "Oh, it looks like you got a haircut." I know they wanted to say "Geez, your mommy sucks at cutting your hair." I did and I admit it but you try cutting a 3 month old baby's hair. It's not like you can say, "Don't move your head!" I don't think I am going to cut it again. I want to let it grow out a bit. I just sucks that you have to keep something in her hair at all times or it just hangs in her eyes. They I am afraid she is going to pull it out and choke on the ponytail or clip. So far, she had the ponytail for two days and she didn't even touch it. I can't wait until I can do pigtails. Yea....I love having a girl!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Eight Months Already

Geez time is flying. My baby is eight months already! I can't believe it. Everyday she is doing something cutier. It is getting hard for me to see her growing up so fast. Before I know it, she is going to be a year old. I have to say it feels like it is getting harder and harder for me to think of my baby as growing up. I have always dreamed about being pregnant, having a baby, and watching them grow up. But it is going by too fast. I really do struggle with it because I have wanted this for so long and now the time just seems to be escaping from me. It makes me sad :(

On a happier note, my kid is just fantastic. I know most parents probably think this...but my child is really smart. At eight months, she can do a lot more than most kids her age (I am assuming - from my readings). I faithfully read the "What to Expect When You Are Expecting - the First Year." From this book, everything that she is supposed to be doing and beyond she has mastered. I am very impressed by her abilities to pull herself up on furniture and she is even starting the cruising along the couch. I have seen her take a few steps on the couch and coffee table. Before I know it...she will be walking.

I had to include a picture of my baby girl on her 8 month birthday too. For some reason, I could not, for the life of me, get a picture of her smiling. About 5 minutes before this she was all smiles. Got the camera out and this is all I got. She is still cute anyway!

Monday, October 12, 2009


We went to our first Gymboree Play and Learn class. And it was just as I expected...awesome. Addison loves to be around other kids and I wish I knew more people with babies. She has a cousin who is 4 weeks younger than her, but we rarely get to see them. Gymboree was exactly what I was looking for.

The class was on Saturday right in the middle of her morning nap. Fortunately, we were able to work around this and gave her a nap a little earlier. When we got there, her eyes lit up. Gymboree is good about having lots of colors and shapes scattered everywhere in their play space. There was a total of 7 babies all aged 6-10 months old. All seemed to be right around the same age (7-8 months). The class includes songs, dance, interaction (between parents and babies), and some kind of activity. This week was working with the foam shapes. Addison had a blast (sometimes I think I liked it more than her). I was just excited to see her interact with the other kids. She became quite vocal too - babies were "talking" back and forth and it was so adorable. She is also doing this high pitch squeal more frequently and she made sure to impress the others with her vocal abilities.

Before the instructor brought over the information, I knew immediately I was going to sign-up...no matter how much it cost. And I did...so from now on, we will be at Gymboree at 11 AM on Saturdays. I highly recommend parents to get their child into a class like this. I wish I would have started her when she was 6 weeks old. Better late then never I guess...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Eating Out

I can see the future...eating out is going to be difficult with a baby. We went to Sweet Tomatoes last night and I was happy because I knew they would have melon and she loves to suck on a few pieces of melon. I thought...perfect...she will be good the whole time just sucking on her fruit. Well again...she has made me out to be a liar. She certainly was not good but not terrible. It's hard to eat and enjoy your meal when every two seconds she is moving, trying to grab everything in sight, screaming...and the list goes on.

Screaming, yes...this too. It is more like a high pitch, ear ringing squeal. In the middle of a restaurant, it sounds worse. At home, it is no big deal if she ruins my ear drums, but at a restaurant, it is embarrassing. Then, if things couldn't be worse, she threw up a ton! And, it was orange which was just great since she was wearing a light green shirt and cream colored pants with hearts. Great....I love the orange stain!

She was being pretty fussy on the way home, and we thought it was going to be hard to hold her off until her bath time. Again...liar. She was great when we got home. She was crawling, playing with her toys, and blabbing up a storm. After her bath, we fed her the nighttime bottle with no problems at all!

Whew...another successful, sort-of puke-free day.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


They definitely do not design playgroups for working moms. I was so excited when I found a playgroup that was started for kids born right around Addison's age. I thought...perfect, she'll have some other kids to interact with. That was until I went back to work and no longer have my days free to do what I want. Before I even joined, I read up on the group in which they said it was for working moms too...not just SAHM (that is Stay-At-Home-Mom).

So, now we are playgroupless. We went to this cute baby boutique last Saturday in which there as a play/music group meeting. I was shocked to see something on Saturday. They were singing and introducing everyone in the group. Addison was mesmerized and I knew instantly I had to get her together with other babies. I went on a mission of searching for playgroups. I called the baby boutique to find out what the name of the group was that was meeting there. They are a strictly music group which costs almost $300 for 12 sessions. Then, I remembered that Gymboree has play and learn classes. They let you sign up for one free class. So our class in this Saturday and I will have to write and let you know how she did. The only sucky part is the class is during her regular naptime. Hopefully, this won't pose a challenge for us. I'll let you know.

The Saga Continues...

So the spitting up (throwing up) is still continuing. I hold hope that one day she will grow out of it. Originally, they told us by four months it will reach it's peak at the worst then it will get better. Well...it hasn't. Three nights ago it started coming out of her nose again. Two nights ago was probably the worst episode we have experienced in a long time. This was no spit up...it was full blown throwing up with the choking and can't breathe look. My husband and I both jumped up patting her back, lifting her arms and then I just turned her upside down and starting pounding her back. Seriously, I thought I was going to pound so hard and break a rib.

Geez, I don't know who was more scared...her or me. My heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest. As she is choking she is trying to cry and breathe all at the same time. It was a combination of everything and to top it off, she was having a running nose that day so I am sure it was dripping in the back of her throat. My husband insists it has gotten worse. I don't necessary think it has even though this night could prove me wrong. It doesn't happen like this every night. Last night...thankfully, it was uneventful. She finished her bottle and three minutes later she was out.

Going to the doctor and telling him these episodes just doesn't help. They insist on putting her on Reglan...which if anyone has heard of that drug...you'd run far, far, far from it. I did and I don't think I would ever consider putting her on it. Then there is another drug that carries similar symptoms as Reglan just not as harsh. The doc even suggested a surgical procedure in which they inject Botox into somewhere in the digestive track. Botox??? Really? No surgery...no medicine. I am really determined to have her get through this mess with nothing in addition to the medicine she takes for the acid relief. I am happy she has this because at least when she does spit up, it doesn't burn while coming up.

Oh...and she has this mystery rash that has now spread to one of her legs. I have no idea what is causing this. No changes to her food, laundry soap, lotion or bath soap. I have cut all her food back to a few puffs for snacks, bananas, pears, sweet potatoes and peas all of which she has been getting for over 3 months now. Hopefully, this too will go away and fast!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Growing Up Too Fast...

She is...and I can't help it. Her new thing is climbing and standing up in her bed. First the standing up in bed...we had to move her mattress down two slots which I thought would be enough. I thought it would stop her from climbing up to stand in her bed. Nope...she still does it...and with ease. I watched her stand up yesterday and she did it with absolutely no problem. I couldn't believe it. Right now, where the mattress is positioned, she isn't tall enough to flip out of her crib. So, we are going to leave it there for awhile. She is pretty petite for a little girl, and as long as she doesn't have a major growth spurt, we will be okay.

Climbing is also her new thing. Just the other day, she climbed up her bouncer and was trying to get on a box next to the bouncer. I honestly have no idea how she got so far and so fast! She is also trying to climb on the couch to stand and climbs up to stand on her new favorite toy. The only thing that sucks is when she climbs on the toy, she doesn't know what do do from there. She either stands there crying for help, or falls down crying even more. Also, the toy isn't the sturdiest toy we own, which probably is because it isn't made to be climbed on.
This is just the first step to walking. She just needs to work on her balance. If you give her the balance that she needs, she will walk. She has the footwork already down. Geez...she is going to be walking before I know it....tear! I miss my little ity bity baby who didn't move when you set her down. She is fast now. I literally saw her next to me, look away for no more than 4 seconds, looked back, and she was gone! Instantly...gone! Now that's just crawling....what am I going to do when she starts walking???