Saturday, March 13, 2010

It's been awhile...

Yes it has. I'm still here just not blogging much. I have been sooooo busy with work, and when I get home, blogging just isn't making the list. Tons of stuff has happened since the last update. Addison turned one. As soon as I have the time, pics will come up. She is also walking now. Running and walking! Boy does walking open your eyes to tons of stuff. It is amazing how much stuff she can get in to in a short (very short) amount of time. We have child proofed the house but there are some things I want to teach her not to touch or get in to without child proofing...for example, DVDs or our TV (and equipment). She knows she isn't supposed to touch the DVDs. Trust me...she knows. Especially, when she looks over her shoulder to see where you are before she pulls off another DVD. Then, when she sees that you noticed, she goes running with the DVD in her hand. The kid is crazy :) Child locks...she doesn't care. She will still try to open up the cabinet or stick her hand through the small opening to grab whatever she can get her hands on.

Talking? Not as much as I would like her to be. I think every Mom worries about this thinking, "is my child at the same level as everyone else?" She says Dada very clearly. I know she can say Mama, but everytime I ask her, she just repeats with Dada. We have witnessed her saying Dog, Hi, Mama, Good Girl, Socks repeatedly but it just seems like she forgot or refuses to say it.

Teeth...or lack of? Yes, we have a problem in this area. She has one...actually half of one. She got this speck of a tooth almost two months ago and nothing since. The doc said not to worry but it is hard not to especially when I see other kids her age with 6-8 teeth already. The doc said we should only be really concerned if she didn't have any hair. And obviously she has tons of hair (don't want to have to remind you of this). I think by 15 months the worrying will begin to escalate (if it hasn't already). I do not see another tooth in sight so I will just have to wait and see what happens. Fingers are crossed.

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