Saturday, March 13, 2010

The First Year

I started reminiscing through pictures today. I guess I am just missing my baby right now (especially since we usually spend Saturday's together). I, unfortunately, had to work today. Bummer. Good news though...blogging time during some spare time. Here are some pictures of my baby girl for her first year. Please note...this is only a snid bit of pictures we have taken. We would need pages and pages to show them all.

I can't believe it's been a year. Feels like yesterday.... It is all worth it...every bit of it.

I love you Addison, more than you will ever know. You have completed my life, and I do not know what I would do without you in my life. You have made me a better person.


  1. This made me tear up. Time does fly, I cant believe my little nugget is 3 months old and yours is a year! I remember meeting you, being barely pregnant and Addison was 4 months old.

    Why work on a Saturday?

  2. I just re-read the post and had tears...and I wrote the darn thing. Time really does fly. I seems like yesterday!

    Yes, work on Saturday. We had a BizFunding bootcamp on Friday and Saturday. It was two really long (12 hour) days. I am still recuperating.


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