Saturday, March 13, 2010


I know I have posted about Gymboree before. We are still going every week and she continues to love it each time. It has actually gotten easier since she has started walking. She loves to explore all by herself. It is difficult to keep her attention to what the class is doing. She is a very independent little girl. We just try and steer her back to the group and what everyone else is doing. I'm not a spokesperson for Gymboree but I always try and spread the word. Many other Moms don't know about it and I wish I knew about it sooner. The only reason I found it was because I was looking for a playgroup for Addison. It is so hard being a working mom. Most playgroups do not meet at night or during the weekend. They usually meet during work hour times when I can't bring her. I was looking for another outlet even if I had to pay for it. I want Addison to be socialized with others her age. Unfortunately, we really don't know anyone with kids where we could get them together on weekends.

Anyways, Gymboree gives us this outlet and I am so grateful for it. I love bringing her every week. It is hysterical how the children interact with her and with each other. Right now, they don't care if toys are taken out of their hands...they just pick up a new one. It will be interesting to see when they make this distinction and start to realize, "Hey, you took my toy." Now, Addison could care less.

During the Gymboree session, they do this part called "Busy Box" where they pull out four small totes filled with little toys geared towards hand and eye coordination. The bins are separated by colors and each box of colors has similar toys. With no fail, every week, Addison goes for the same toy. No matter the color, she has to have the same spiky, plastic ball. Last week, she scanned the toys looking for this specific ball. After finally spotting one, she went for it. It is so amazing to see how she processes her thoughts and acts on them.

I know we will continue to go until she is too old. After the play and learn classes (which I think goes to 16 months), we can switch to the music classes. Next kid...I'm starting earlier.


  1. We had so much fun when we went to Gymboree with you guys. I would love to get Jackson into a class here, I should look into it. I guess I can at least get another free one! :)

  2. That is so cute. I can't wait to take Leah some day hopefully.

  3. could start her now. It is kinda expensive (I think $60 or $65 a month) but so worth it. Go to and you can sign-up for a free class to try it out. If you sign-up at the class, they waive the introduction fee.


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