Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Talking...or just repeating?

Addison's vocabulary seems to grow more and more each day. She is really at a point of repeating just about anything you say, mumble, or whisper. It doesn't matter if it is words, moans, groans, or laughing. Part of me is happy to see the transition and more talking but part of me gets concerned when she is not forming her own words or expressing what she wants with words.

The only reason I am questioning this is because my cousin's baby, Caylynn, is forming way more words much clearer and she is 4 weeks younger than Addison. I think everyone mom worries that their kid is not developing (or in my case, talking) as good as others. There really should be a clear cut book on things or milestones we should be reaching and when. I just would like someone (or some book) to tell me, "ok, at this age, she should be saying 9 words." Then, I would know if we are hitting the marks on time.

On a side note, I was so excited to finally get her the Grow With Me Fisher Price Kitchen. It is so cute. (I'm not sure who likes it more...her or me?) The kitchen converts from toddler size to preschool size when she is ready. I got home on Monday and put it together while she was napping. I literally couldn't wait to see what she did. Donnie suggested that we set her down and see if she found it in the living room. She came walking around the corner of the couch, saw the kitchen, and shouted "HI!" It was so adorably cute that I wish I would have thought ahead and video taped it. The first thing she grabbed (of course) was the purple phone. She instantly started playing. She even put the pot under the fake faucet and started making water noises like she was filling it up. The kid has one of the best imaginations I have ever seen in a 15 month old. She plays with her babies like she is 2 or 3. It is great and so much fun to watch.

So she may not be talking as great as I think but she will get there. Right now, she is starting the tantrum, throwing herself down, crying fits. This is when I wish she talked more. I keep telling her to use your words and we don't act this way when we want something. Most of the time, she stops right away. I look at her and think...geez, you are WAY to young to be starting this right now. Terrible twos just may come a little early at the Loggins house.

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