Wednesday, June 23, 2010


So, Addison's eating habits are getting better...much better. It was touch and go there for a while. I think one week she went five days without eating lunch and four days without eating dinner. I seriously felt like a horrible mom. Even though she was given every opportunity to eat (and trust me, we tried all foods), I still felt like I was starving my kid. But now, we are back in business.

It is funny though the foods she loves to eat. Sweet potatoes, grilled cheese, peanut butter and jelly, fruit and bread are always favorites in our house. But now, she has developed quite a sweet tooth. She ate decent at dinner last night, but when the cake came out for my Dad's birthday, you would have thought we just starved her to near death. I can barley get her to take a bite of her chicken but when it came to the chocolate cake, I couldn't get it in her mouth fast enough.

There was actually a time about 1-2 months ago when I could barely get her to eat a cookie. Actually, the only way I could get her to eat a cookie was call it a Banana Cookie. For some reason, whether it was a banana cookie or not, this was the only way she would eat it. Sometimes, she just really cracks me up. Her personality is really starting to shine. Last night when we were singing Happy Birthday (this is the highlight for her at all parties), she was laughing and laughing and covering her mouth with her hands like she was cracking up so much. She really is too much!

Every time we sing Happy Birthday at a party, she thinks it is for her. Especially since, when we are signing, my whole family is looking at her not the birthday person. She always has a huge smile on her face and is generally laughing. She isn't the center of attention in my way! :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

To Baby or Not?

Last Friday, we bought a new car....actually a mini van. If you ask my husband, he would say "sport wagon." In any case, it is a much bigger car than we had before. Donnie's car was literally falling apart. Two months ago, we had to replace the alternator which was a hefty $600. Then, about 3 weeks ago, we had to put more freon in which was another $125. After no more than 4 days, the AC was back to not working. If you live in Las Vegas, you do not go the whole summer without AC. It would just be so crazy. After we found out that it would be about $2500 to fix the AC, we pretty much said "Hell No!" It was time for a trade. However, Donnie was still upside down in his car (his car wasn't even 2.5 years old!)

We knew we wanted something bigger and a trade (upside or not) was inevitable. I didn't want to get a smaller car and have to wait another 3 years before we could actually get what we wanted. He checked out Toyota since I am a huge fan of Toyota. My last 3 cars have been Toyota. Unfortunately, they weren't willing to work with us at all. Next, we went to our friend Tom at VW. He works for Findlay so if we didn't like the VW we always had the option to go to Findlay Toyota.

To my surprise, I love the Routan. It feels like a luxury mini-van....oh, I'm sorry....a luxury sport wagon! A couple hours later, it was ours. This was probably the best car buying experience we have had thus far. It helps to have a friend that works there but it really was professional, straight forward and honest. We got what we wanted for the price we would afford.
Now, we have this huge car and only one baby. We have been tossing around the idea of another baby. Alot of people in our life are ready for another one. I am still hesitant. I think my hesitation has been fueled by my grandma. About two months ago, we were talking about another baby and she made a comment saying she was absolutely not ready. She watches Addison the majority of the time - about 2-3 days a week. So as our main babysitter, if she isn't ready, then I'm not either. If she would have welcomed the idea, then I would be way more open to it.

My hesitation is centered around time. I feel like I barely have time now. Adding a new baby would just intensify this immensely. I'm worried that I won't be able to devote the time to Addison like I do now and forget about the "me" time. It feels like that won't even exist anymore. Plus work is a huge factor. My job is transitioning which would actually make it easier to have another baby but still, the time away (and loss of pay on maternity leave) is a big deal. Maternity leave is not covered with my new job so there goes about $4000. Geez...that is alot.

Decisions, decisions, decision. What I do that when we are ready, we have plenty of room in the car!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Good news...and a little bad...

Good news: Addison went to the doctor on Friday and he gave us her blood test results. All clear. No more elevated levels. So it was officially...benign alkaline phosphatemia. Whew....It is such a relief to hear these results. I seriously stressed so much that it could be something more serious. I think as mothers we just do this to ourselves. If it was me who was going through this, I wouldn't have been nearly has nervous or worried. But when it comes to Addison, it is just different. I don't really know how to explain just happens.

And now onto the Bad News: Right after the doctor's visit, we were walking to the car and I asked Donnie to use his phone. When we got the car, I thought I gave his phone back, but instead, I placed it on the roof of the car. Forgetting that I did this, I drove off to my mom's house to drop the baby off. It wasn't until we got to the movies and dinner for our "date night" that I realized I didn't give his phone back. I called my sister to check my car, the diaper bag, and her house. I could feel myself getting increasing upset at the fact the phone (iphone actually) was gone. After dinner, we had about an hour to relax, but instead, I insisted on driving back to my mom's to look and then onto the doctor's office to search the parking lot. I remember my husband saying, "you wouldn't leave it on the roof...why would you do that?" The fact is...I would. I just did the same thing about a week ago but this time it was just a drink.

We arrived at my mom's and no phone. I traced the same path back to the parking phone. As I started to pull out and drive back the same way, I saw what looked like a white piece of paper. I thought, "No, that can't be it." Donnie jumped out to find his iphone in pieces that had been ran over about 10 times. I was devastated. What a way to ruin a great date night.

I would have felt a lot better if it was my own phone. But the fact that I destroyed his phone, contacts, pictures, videos, etc is upsetting. Everyone kept asking me, "Was he mad?" And the fact is...he wasn't. I think I beat myself up enough for both of us and honestly, he didn't even need to get mad. I know it is just a phone and it is easy to say that you shouldn't get upset. But it is easier said than done.

On the bright side...Donnie gets to get the new iPhone 4. He is using his old phone until it comes out on June 24th. Lesson learned - never put anything on the roof. My "mommy brain" just can't handle it.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Another Baby in our House

On Saturday, my husband (and me too, I guess) threw a big UFC party. Usually we invite a ton of people and maybe 5 or 6 show up. Well to our surprise, a lot more than just 5-6 people showed up...probably around 30 or so (plus kids!). Our friend Nick brought his 3 month old baby too and I was really curious to see how Addison was going to act around him. She really hasn't been around any babies before besides ones her age. I was wondering if she was going to be jealous, mean, or simply just didn't care. And she was definitely the later. She didn't care about the actual baby or the fact I was holding him.

Actually...she cared about his stuff. Bottles, diaper bag, carrier, and blankets. She wanted it all. The top it off, Nick uses the exact same bottles we did and Addison wanted them so badly. She has been off a bottle for about 4 months now and suddenly it all came back to her. Yes, she wanted the bottle but she really wanted it for her baby. She went over, got her baby and placed it in the carrier. Then she wanted all of Peter's blankets to wrap her baby in. Then she wanted a diaper to put on her baby and a bottle to feed her baby. She literally went mad over all the stuff and started crying when we had to take it away.

Finally, my mom went upstairs and got one of her old baby blankets and Donnie brought in her old carrier. She played and played with her baby...taking it in and out of the carrier and wrapping and unwrapping the baby with her blankets. It was too cute. Again...I say, she has the best imagination for a 15 month old. She just plays and plays with her baby and other toys. It is amazing to see.

At least I know now that she isn't going to be too jealous when we start to think about adding another baby to our family. I seriously am not close to being ready. At first I couldn't wait to be prego again. I absolutely loved it. But now, with my workout schedule and dieting, I really don't want to screw my body up again.

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Talking...or just repeating?

Addison's vocabulary seems to grow more and more each day. She is really at a point of repeating just about anything you say, mumble, or whisper. It doesn't matter if it is words, moans, groans, or laughing. Part of me is happy to see the transition and more talking but part of me gets concerned when she is not forming her own words or expressing what she wants with words.

The only reason I am questioning this is because my cousin's baby, Caylynn, is forming way more words much clearer and she is 4 weeks younger than Addison. I think everyone mom worries that their kid is not developing (or in my case, talking) as good as others. There really should be a clear cut book on things or milestones we should be reaching and when. I just would like someone (or some book) to tell me, "ok, at this age, she should be saying 9 words." Then, I would know if we are hitting the marks on time.

On a side note, I was so excited to finally get her the Grow With Me Fisher Price Kitchen. It is so cute. (I'm not sure who likes it more...her or me?) The kitchen converts from toddler size to preschool size when she is ready. I got home on Monday and put it together while she was napping. I literally couldn't wait to see what she did. Donnie suggested that we set her down and see if she found it in the living room. She came walking around the corner of the couch, saw the kitchen, and shouted "HI!" It was so adorably cute that I wish I would have thought ahead and video taped it. The first thing she grabbed (of course) was the purple phone. She instantly started playing. She even put the pot under the fake faucet and started making water noises like she was filling it up. The kid has one of the best imaginations I have ever seen in a 15 month old. She plays with her babies like she is 2 or 3. It is great and so much fun to watch.

So she may not be talking as great as I think but she will get there. Right now, she is starting the tantrum, throwing herself down, crying fits. This is when I wish she talked more. I keep telling her to use your words and we don't act this way when we want something. Most of the time, she stops right away. I look at her and think...geez, you are WAY to young to be starting this right now. Terrible twos just may come a little early at the Loggins house.