Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Sick Little Girl

I hate when Addison is sick. Really...what mom likes for their baby to be sick? It just really sucks. It all started Thursday. My husband called me at work to let me know Addison was throwing up. Of course, my initial reaction is "shit." I cam home to find my poor baby really sick, throwing up and lethargic. The rest of the night we spent with her throwing up more and more...a total of about 7 times. I was up with her most of the night since Donnie had a meeting in the morning and I could stay home with her on Friday. Friday wasn't much better. I more or less forced her to drink Pedialiate all day. And she slept most of the time, either on me or in her bed. About every couple of hours, I just had to put her down in her bed. My arms were literally killing me from holding her practically all day. By Saturday, she was still running a fever and we decided to take her to the doc just to be sure she didn't have an ear infection or worse. The outcome...stomach flu, cold and to top it off a bad diaper yeast infection (again). Just great. And there wasn't any medicine (besides diaper rash cream) that could make her feel better.

By Sunday, late afternoon, she started to get better and was actually crawling around the house a bit. I'm hoping today will be even better. The worst part...I'm sick now. I can barely talk and have a really bad sore throat. I caught her cold probably from holding her so close to me over the last 4 days or so. I wish there was someone who could stay home and take care of me. I wouldn't mind being carried around for a couple of days :)

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