Tuesday, January 26, 2010

First Birthday....Fast approaching

Wow...is it seriously time to start thinking about the first birthday party? Seriously??

Well, we have. I successfully went to not one, not two, not three....but four party stores to find the exact party supplies I wanted. Actually, it was a particular invitation that I wanted. I saw it at the first one and insisted on going to more to find it again. Finally, by the fourth one, I found exactly what I was looking for. Plus...as an upside, the party supplies (plates, napkins, cups) were 50% off! Can't beat that now can you!

I contemplated on whether I should do a princess theme, lady bug, Disney, etc. In talking it over with my husband, we decided that we only get to plan ONE first birthday with the number 1. So, we chose a 1st Birthday Theme. The picture is the exact plates we got and everything else to go with it, table cloth, napkins, cups, decorations, high chair decoration kit, hanging sign...you name it. Even though I saved 50%, it was cheap, trust me. We will have to get a cake (two...one for guest and a small one just for her), food, drinks, balloons, and of course a present. Geez...you would think doing a party at your house would be cheaper. But once you are done, it really isn't. Next year, we will be going somewhere else....(Chuck E Cheese?)...don't know...but somewhere.

I don't particularly sweat the money, especially when it comes to Addison. I want everything to be perfect. It is going to be hard enough for me to get through the day without crying. Don't know if that is possible yet. I just wonder where this time has gone. Where has this year evaporated to....It feels like just yesterday I was in the most pain I have ever been in, in my entire life! It was worth it all, and I would do it over and over again if that meant having my baby girl.

Enough reminiscing...I think I am going to cry, now! Down to some serious business....what the heck am I going to do about food? I want something easy, but has to be substantial since the party is at 12PM (lunch time). And I don't want to spend a fortune....decisions, decisions, decisions. I need to make them quick too. Party is in 2 1/2 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You sound like me, I want everything involved with Leah to be perfect so although I probably should, I don't sweat the money either!


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