Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mommy, Mommy, Mommy

I don't want to feel like I am wanted more...but Addison does prefer Mommy. I read an article that I received by email that said most infants go through a 'Six Month Mommy Separation.' At times, I really think this is true and then other times, she is completely fine. It frustrates me because I feel bad that she prefers me over my husband. I don't know how he specifically feels about it, but I get the vibe at times of his frustration as well. There has even been times where I am sitting on the floor next to her and she still wants to be closer to me. She doesn't calm down until I am actually holding her to my chest. I keep telling her, "No, Addison. Play with your toy." She'll turn around for a minute to continue playing and then back towards me grunting to be picked up. Frustrating? Yes!

Then, just last night, my husband was feeding her dinner while I was upstairs working. I kept hearing her crying and not just a little bit. I came downstairs to find her in hysterics. She usually doesn't cry this bad. It is usually a fake sounding cry (you know...the one with no tears), but this was some serious, tear gushing cries. I immediately jumped on my husband insisting he did something wrong. He, of course, got mad at me for accusing him of doing something. It wasn't that I was trying to accuse him...I was just confused on why she was acting this. I pretty much feed her most of the time, and I have never had her cry like this before. The only reason I was asking him was to determine if he did something different.

When I see her crying like that...it just makes me want to do things on my own. That way, I can't accuse anyone of hurting her or making her cry. I think I have been doing this since she was born. I always take charge and insist on doing things myself. I have gotten a lot better about it especially since I went back to work. So...this leads me back to what I was originally saying... I think I did everything more than other people which led Addison to want me more. I get worried that my husband is going to feel bad because of it. However, most babies just want their mom more. I can't help that. Call me crazy (or confusing - I really don't know where I was going with this post)...it's just really frustrating at times!

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