Friday, September 11, 2009

The Best Ultrasound...Ever

I was looking through some photos last night and came across Addison's 4D ultrasound pictures. If you haven't heard of it before, let me tell is the best ultrasound EVER! I am amazed at the shots we got of her. We did the ultrasound twice, once when I was 16 wks prego to find out what we were having and then again at 30 weeks for the good facial pics. I might be biased, but the place we used was the best and I would totally recommend it to anyone in LV. We also got to bring our whole family with us to watch the ultrasound. They have a very spacious room with four couches and plenty of sitting space. I seriously cannot wait until I get prego again just so I can do this ultrasound again...and trust me, I definitely will. We even have copies of the ultrasound on a DVD for us to watch again. The first ultrasound I did at 16 weeks...I watched over 10 times. The second one was watched about 4 times. I can't wait until Addison is old enough so I can show her the videos too.

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