Monday, September 21, 2009

First Words

So, I could have sworn she said "Mama mama" yesterday. It wasn't a babble either. I said it and she repeated it. Then I said it again, and she repeated it again. I wish I had it on video to prove it. Then, after I gave her a bath, all she kept saying was "dadadadadada dadadada" that was after I was trying to have her say it again. So who knows, but I swear that if someone would have heard it too, they would be saying her first word was "mama mama." And you can't believe how happy that would make me.

I'll keep practicing with her :)


Boy are we in for it. The crawling has begun. She is going everywhere...and quickly. I look away for two seconds and she is already across the room getting into something. Before, we were always sticking to putting a blanket down and just moving her back when she rolled off. Well, not anymore. It's just a waste of time because she will likely be off of it in 5 seconds. I had to post a video of my big girl. She even seems a little rocky in this one...because now she has it down. My only concern is her knees. Oh her poor knees...they are so red when she is done crawling and I feel so bad. There really isn't anything we can do. I just am keeping lots of lotion on them. I'm sure I'll be posting more stories about her latest adventure and what she has gotten into. She has only been crawling for less than a week and she tried to stick her finger in the light socket last night. Oh geez...we are in trouble!

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Best Ultrasound...Ever

I was looking through some photos last night and came across Addison's 4D ultrasound pictures. If you haven't heard of it before, let me tell is the best ultrasound EVER! I am amazed at the shots we got of her. We did the ultrasound twice, once when I was 16 wks prego to find out what we were having and then again at 30 weeks for the good facial pics. I might be biased, but the place we used was the best and I would totally recommend it to anyone in LV. We also got to bring our whole family with us to watch the ultrasound. They have a very spacious room with four couches and plenty of sitting space. I seriously cannot wait until I get prego again just so I can do this ultrasound again...and trust me, I definitely will. We even have copies of the ultrasound on a DVD for us to watch again. The first ultrasound I did at 16 weeks...I watched over 10 times. The second one was watched about 4 times. I can't wait until Addison is old enough so I can show her the videos too.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Remembering Our Wedding

We went to a wedding last night. brings back memories. Some good and some bad. At times, I just wish we could do it one more time without all the drama. Your wedding is supposed to be the happiest day of your life. Mine...really wouldn't classify it as the best day. The ceremony was perfect...absolutely perfect. After that, it was ruined. Ruined to the point that 2 1/2 years later, I still can't let it go. I usually don't even think about it because there is nothing I can do about it so why worry. But, going to a wedding last night just brought up the feelings. Feelings that I don't think I will ever forget for the rest of my life.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mommy, Mommy, Mommy

I don't want to feel like I am wanted more...but Addison does prefer Mommy. I read an article that I received by email that said most infants go through a 'Six Month Mommy Separation.' At times, I really think this is true and then other times, she is completely fine. It frustrates me because I feel bad that she prefers me over my husband. I don't know how he specifically feels about it, but I get the vibe at times of his frustration as well. There has even been times where I am sitting on the floor next to her and she still wants to be closer to me. She doesn't calm down until I am actually holding her to my chest. I keep telling her, "No, Addison. Play with your toy." She'll turn around for a minute to continue playing and then back towards me grunting to be picked up. Frustrating? Yes!

Then, just last night, my husband was feeding her dinner while I was upstairs working. I kept hearing her crying and not just a little bit. I came downstairs to find her in hysterics. She usually doesn't cry this bad. It is usually a fake sounding cry (you know...the one with no tears), but this was some serious, tear gushing cries. I immediately jumped on my husband insisting he did something wrong. He, of course, got mad at me for accusing him of doing something. It wasn't that I was trying to accuse him...I was just confused on why she was acting this. I pretty much feed her most of the time, and I have never had her cry like this before. The only reason I was asking him was to determine if he did something different.

When I see her crying like just makes me want to do things on my own. That way, I can't accuse anyone of hurting her or making her cry. I think I have been doing this since she was born. I always take charge and insist on doing things myself. I have gotten a lot better about it especially since I went back to work. So...this leads me back to what I was originally saying... I think I did everything more than other people which led Addison to want me more. I get worried that my husband is going to feel bad because of it. However, most babies just want their mom more. I can't help that. Call me crazy (or confusing - I really don't know where I was going with this post)'s just really frustrating at times!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sitting Up - Like a Big Girl

I can't believe how fast she is growing. I know I keep saying it...but it just feels like yesterday. I had to share this video that I shot on my iPhone. Geez...she is so stinkin cute! I know, I know, I know...I'm biased, but hey, I call em' like I see em'.
