Friday, August 13, 2010

18 Months Already

It is going by so fast. I can't believe my baby is already 18 months old. Geez, where does the time go? She is becoming so unbelievably independent. She thinks she can do everything on her own. 18 months old and still only 4 teeth. Her vocabulary is developing rapidly. She talks so much now. She knows alot of one our answers or questions. She is learning manners and says please and thank you most of the time. Please really doesn't sound like is more of puhees. But she gets the jist of it.

She has peed on the potty twice now which is super exciting! My mom has looked for panties and training panties for her but they only come in size 2T and up. This kid is barely in 12 month clothes. There is no way size 2T panties are going to fit her. She goes to the doctor on Monday but I think she is around 21 lbs. She is such a tiny peanut. We took her dress shopping last night and I immediately knew the 12 month dress was way to big. It is weird to think my 18 month old still fits into 9 month clothes!

Besides being skinny and barely any teeth :) she is doing wonderfully. We have only had to do time out a couple of times but it really does work. You can see an instance switch in her attitude. We will see how long it lasts for. Besides that, she is a thriving, happy-go-lucky 18 month old. We have pictures tonight at JcPenney and I really hope they go well. Last time, she refused to smile. It took my dad having a stuffed animal hanging out of his mouth and jumping around like a monkey to even get a smirk from her. Seriously, if I could have tapped my Dad and the way he was acting, we would all be dying laughing.

Happy 18 months Addison! You are truly the light of my life and I love you more than the air I breathe.

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