Thursday, April 15, 2010

A New Mommy

So I guess I am still considered a "new mommy" especially by my actions last night.

We got home from my mom's house around 8:30 and when Donnie took Addison in the house, he realized she was burning up. I quickly got the thermometer and took her temperature....102.8. Now, again the new mom kicks in, because I am not sure how hot is too hot. We gave her Tylenol to bring down the fever and my mom said to keep her up for about an hour and check it again. Forty-five minutes passed and we took it again. Same. So I called the doctor to ask how long we should wait.

I talked to the nurse at the 24-hour Urgent Care, and she said we should start to see a decrease in about 15-30 minutes. Crap. By this time, it was almost an hour with no change. And to top it off, she had a pretty bad rash all over her back from her neck to her butt. The nurse figured this is what was causing the fever. I agreed. She told us to come in and see the doctor. No problem; however, of course the only office that is open is the one clear across town. Damn.

And of course, as soon as we get to the doctor (about an hour after we took her last temperature), she was feeling much cooler. The nurse took it again...98.8. Good for Addison...bad for Mommy and Daddy and we were thinking "Why did we rush to the doctor?" We still met with the doctor who told us the rash is a viral infection which was also causing the fever. Treatment....more Tylenol, fluids and keeping her comfortable. No meds.

So back to the "new mommy," yes, I am one. I know next time I won't be rushing her to the doctor. I even told the doc what the nurse said and his reaction was "Wow...15-30 minutes is optimistic!" No kidding....then the nurses should be informed of that. I would have never rushed her down there if the nurse just said "Wait another hour or so, it should break soon." All-in-all, Addison is doing better. She woke up with another fever but at least we know what it is from and I most likely would have taken her to the doc today or tomorrow to have the rash looked at.

Just next time, I won't be going at 10 PM unless it is extremely necessary.

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