Monday, November 9, 2009

What a Weekend

Boy did it feel like a long weekend...but now that I am back to work it felt like it went by so quickly. Last week, Addison wasn't feeling good. She was up and down...feeling fine one second and then throwing up the next. Now with her gastric problems, throwing up doesn't necessarily mean she is sick. Come Friday night, she couldn't keep anything down. I woke up first thing on Saturday and scheduled her a doctor appointment. As soon as I woke her up, I knew she was really sick. She was very lethargic and looked helpless. Every other morning she hops up and gives you the biggest smile even is she is woken up.

There is nothing more frustrating than when a doctor sees your kid and pretty much tells you they have no idea what is wrong with her. Really...really? I could have stayed home and got the same response. The only thing he did say was that she was dehydrated and needed fluids. I didn't need a medical degree to determine that. He wanted to send her to the Pediatric ER for IV fluids. But we came to the conclusion that we would try small amounts of Pedialite over the next two hours. If she kept it down then we were okay. She did very good with the fluids. However, for me, I didn't know what I was in for.

For the next 14 hours or so, I literally held her up the entire time. After 8 hours, it started really hurting. My neck, back, shoulders, arms were all aching. Every few hours, I would wake her up to give her more fluids. I felt so bad because she really seemed to be hungry. But the doctor insisted she should only get fluids until dinner time. At dinner which is around 4:30 for her, I fed her some baby food. The poor kid was so lethargic, but hungry, that she ate the whole time with her eyes closed. It was really sad to see!

I also had her sleep with me on Saturday night. I wanted her to be close in case anything was to happen. Now, I do not usually let her sleep in our bed but I thought tonight (and all sick nights) can be an exception. We were up about every hour to an hour and a half. I was awake from 3-4:45 AM. Boy, I was so tired come Sunday morning especially since she got up at 6:44 AM! When she did wake, she seemed a little better and did perk up more and more as the day wore on. Hopefully, the sickness (whatever it is) stays away and she gets back to normal again. I can only hope.


  1. I was thinking about it, and that is how Mason was when he hit his head at Uncle Bobby's house. He was lethargic, couldn't keep his eyes open, and couldn't keep anything down. After about 5 days he was back to normal. Addison didn't bump her head at all, did she?

  2. I don't think so. As of yesterday, she seems to be coming back to normal. I sure hope so...because this totally sucks!


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