Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My First Post

I have had this blog for a while now, yet I still haven't posted anything. I didn't start this blog specifically for someone to read it. If they do, that's great. If not, no biggie. I'm only writing it for me...and my daughter. I want to chronicle her life experiences. I should have started this when she was born...heck, I should have started it when I was pregnant. Shoulda, coulda, woulda. At least I am starting now. Here comes the tricky part...I need to continue to blog. If I am determined (which I am), I will.

So...a little about me (just in case someone is reading this)...my name is Jessica Loggins and I am 25 years old. I am married to my wonderful husband, Donnie, and we have been together for 7 1/2 years (married 2 1/2 years). I always feel the need to stress that we were together 5 years prior to getting married. We have a beautiful (I know I'm biased) daughter, named Addison who is 6 months old. She has filled my life (our life) with so much joy. I don't know how I ever lived without her. We actually tried to get pregnant for over a year. I have always been the kind of person who knew for a fact that I wanted kids. I had been dreaming about it since I was a little girl. However, after we got married and starting trying, it just wasn't working out for us. I thought we were going to have to get fertility treatments. In the end, I decided we just need to stop trying. And alas...it worked and we found out we were pregnant on June 22, 2008. Our precious baby was born on February 13, 2009.

Now my life is filled with toys, diapers, bottles, spit up (and lots of it...more on that later)...and I couldn't be happier. I think about her all the time and want to spend all my time with her. I look forward to crawling, talking, walking, potty training....although, I don't want it to come too fast. I already miss the newborn stage. But as she grows up, she is developing such a personality. My husband and I already think she is going to be a biter. When she gets frustrated she grabs and tries to shake you so hard. It's cute now...but when the biting starts, it isn't going to be as much fun!

I look forward to talking about my daughter...nonstop. So be prepared...the blog will be flooded with stories and pictures of the milestones of my baby girl. If you have any input, questions, or comments, don't hold back. I want to hear them all. I am always looking for tricks of the trade (being a mom that is) to be the best parent I can. I learned from the best and now I want to give it all back. Join me on my ride down Mommyhood!

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