Monday, December 28, 2009


We went to Disneyland for my birthday. I absolutely LOVE Disneyland! I seriously could go there every time we went on vacation if my husband let me. I have been going there as a kid and there is something so magical about that place. But let me tell is quite different with a baby. I was really excited to bring Addison there. Part of me knew she wouldn't remember anything, but who cares. I knew she would still have a great time. Visually, (for her anyway) there is so much going on with the people, characters, colors, sounds, etc. I knew I immediately wanted to get a picture with a character. The first one we came to was Goofy. And here is her reaction....

No crying...she just kept staring at him in Awww kinda like "What the heck is that..." I was afraid she would cry especially since our encounter with Santa didn't go so well. Actually...she hates Santa. But as far as Goofy, no problem.

Next, we had to get her a set of ears. Of course, every child who goes to Disney for the first time needs a set of ears personalized with her name. I got the infant ones...but they sure didn't fit her.

After the ears, we headed to the first ride. Now in choosing her first ride, I wanted something mellow, musically and visually entertaining and something she could sit on my lap. So we chose It's A Small World. Now I can't tell you the last time I rode this. It probably has been quite awhile as this wasn't a usual ride me and my husband went on. I quickly realized there are alot of rides I have never ridden at Disneyland. These are rides that are mainly for kids and geared towards the Disney movies. Ummm...I'm sure we will get to ride them all by the time she is three, no doubt.

She loved the ride. Her eyes were wide open taking in all the moving and colorful objects. She was squealing in delight during the majority of the ride. I was so stoked. I wanted her to like it so much and I was thrilled to see what I had hoped for. The rest of the day was spent riding rides, eating, and shopping. We did go back to the hotel around 2 for a nap (something I have never had to do at Disney before). Usually, we spend literally all day there. It was weird to have to stop in the middle for nap time. When we returned, we were surprised to see how unbelievably busy it was! It wasn't bad in the morning, but returning around 5 PM was awful! The crowds were enormous and I am not exaggerating. We had such a hard time pushing the stroller through the people.

And....a little side note to myself...make dinner reservations inside Disney. Who would have thought you had to do that...but you do. Every restaurant (sit down style) was booked for like 5 days solid. It was not a good idea to try and go back there for dinner. We should have gotten something outside the park, but I insisted on trying to get the most out of our time. We managed, and as soon as we got food, our fun began again. We were there until 11:30! The baby actually didn't go to be until midnight which is so very late for her. Through it all, she was a trooper. I can't wait to take her back and this time when my whole family can go to.

Over already?

Geez...time flys. I can't believe Christmas is over already? We had a great day! Addison did wonderfully opening up her presents. She kept tearing little pieces of wrapping paper off and then handing it to me. It was really cute. We didn't splurge too much on her. We got her 4 presents. Trust me...her grandparents did their share of splurging. But I have to say, we did get her the favorite gift. I have been wanting to get her this stroller/walker toy for months now. And I finally did for Christmas. My husband put it together on Christmas morning, and she was instantly walking all over the house. She cruises on the couch and coffee table, but it was so weird to see her in the middle of the living room walking! She is so dang cute.

Well, it was another successful year. I am really looking forward to next Christmas. Maybe next year she will sit on Santa's lap. This year, she wanted nothing to do with him. She even cried if you showed her a stuffed Santa! Oh well, I guess I'll have to start preparing her way in advance next year. Weird because we took her to Disney (I'll write about that later) and did was in awww of Mickey. Maybe its the whole beard thing or the fact that she hates men (dad and grandpa excluded). I wouldn't mind this whole hating men thing to continue...until she is 18 or so. Just sayin...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Past Week...

Well, we finally got our tree up. I was really unsure what the baby was going to think or do. She was very curious yet cautious at the same time. Now, she sits in front of it, stares at it and then laughs. It is really cute. She will reach up and touch one of the branches, then sit back down, laughing each time. We left the bottom six inches bare, afraid that she would pull every ornament off. As soon as we set-up the tree, Donnie snapped this picture of her. Her hat says "Baby's First Christmas." Again...biased...but she is so adorable!We have had one very cranky baby the past two days. I think (actually I hope) we are finally getting the first tooth. It is about time. She is already 9.5 months with no sign of a tooth. She has to be close to one breaking through the skin. She is SO fussy, cranky, running a slight fever, cries for no reason. Something has to be up. All she wants to do is suck her thumb with her blankie. You give her her blankie and this is what you get....
Notice her little butt is up in the air. She tucks her legs under her stomach. She looks so sad! I hope this passes real soon...I want my happy baby back!