Thursday, May 13, 2010


Yes, it has been awhile since I blogged. I've been very busy to say the least.

But right now...I am nervous. About 3 weeks ago, Addison had a fever for five days and a very bad rash. Then, after five days, she started wheezing. They did a ton of blood work and then ended up giving me a breathing machine and two meds to clear up her respiratory infection. However, when the blood came back, she had very high levels of Alkaline Phosphate. At the time, I didn't know what that meant. The doc said to wait until she was over her sickness before we retested her. He kept assuring me that it had to be a lab error.

Well, two week later, I called him back and asked him to put in for another retest. And we did...last Wednesday. Results came back on Tuesday and the doc said it is still very high - in fact, it went up. So, now the nervousness has set in and multiplied. When I talked to the doc, he assured me that he didn't want to scare me but we had to determine if it was bone or liver. Based off her last results, he said it was most likely bone since her liver function tests were fine. He told me he had already talked to a specialist about her and that we most likely would have to go and see him.

Yesterday, I got the call for the referral...which was for a gastroenterologist (who she has been seeing since she was a month old). Perfect...then I could call him right away and make an appt. So, now the appt is for tomorrow. But today, I thought...I should go and get the results and bring them with me just to be sure (her doc assured me he would already have them). I kinda wanted to get them too just so I could see what I was up against. When they say High...I really don't know how high that is.

For Alkaline Phosphate, the normal range is 25-500. Addison's level is 1678 (and of course there is an ALERT next to it).

For Alkaline Phosphate-Bone Specific, the normal range is 0.0-20.1. Addison's level is 497.7.

So, now the nervousness is building. I seriously can't wait until this doc appointment tomorrow. I need some answers. I am almost positive we will be doing some kind of bone scan very soon. I just don't know how serious this all is. I mean, it isn't like she is walking around in pain.

Being a mom is really hard...especially when you don't have the answers you need.